
Morning Worship

Mike & Karen Anderson
Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Andersons are a preaching and singing ministry comprised of husband and wife team Mike and Karen Anderson. They are based in Forney, Texas and have been involved in evangelistic ministry for over 25 years. Since surrendering to vocational ministry in 1997, Mike and Karen have traveled throughout Texas as well as parts of the northern and central United States, s​haring the gospel message of Jesus Christ in concerts, revivals, and other church events. Mike has been involved in church ministry most of his life having served on staff in several churches as a worship leader, associate pastor, and staff evangelist. Since the pandemic, other ministry opportunities have opened for Mike to serve as a funeral director in mortuary service.

Karen has been an active part of church music ministry most of her life both as a singer and pianist. She was also a school Choral Director for 14 years before resigning to raise a family and travel full-time in evangelistic ministry. In addition to the ministry opportunities, she enjoys teaching piano and leading women’s ministry events.
They have one son, Austin, who along with his wife also serve in worship ministry in the Longview, Texas area.

First Baptist Church Thorp Spring


Thursday, October 31, 2024

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

FREE Candy  |  FREE Games  |  FREE Hot Dogs  |  FREE Cake Walk
FREE Fun for Everyone

All Churches Invited

Honoring & Encouraging Bi-Vocational Churches

Saturday, September 9th @ 9:00 am

Speaker: Lonnie Lehrman

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